Final results of Flight Shooting WCH 2018:
Final results of Long Distance Target Shooting WCH 2018:
Final results of 2nd Historical World Championships 2018 are here:
According to the historical rules of
HDH-International Archery Association
Three World Championship awards!
Competition rules:
Registration open until 31.07.2018!
I would like to invite you on behalf of the Hungarian Archery Association to 1st HDH-IAA Historical Flight Shooting and Long Distance Target Shooting World Championships 2018. The competition will be organised on 17-18th August 2018 according to the rules of the historical HDH-IAA. It is open to all archers to register as no qualification is needed.
I wish good luck for all our competitors and a good time for our guests and visitors!
I am looking forward to seeing you in Gyula.
Tamás Lovász
President of HAA Historical Disciplines
Organizers: Magyar Íjász Szövetség, Kerecsényi László Íjász Egyesület
Head of organizers: Tamás Lovász
Organisation Commitee tel.: +36 20 931 4471
Competition information -
Registration website -
HDH-IAA website:
Competition rules: